- That the purpose of your trip to the United States is for a temporary visit, such as business, pleasure, or medical treatment
- That you plan to remain in the United States for a specific, limited period of time
- Evidence of funds to cover your expenses while in the United States
- That you have a residence outside the United States, as well as other binding social or economic ties, that will ensure your return abroad at the end of your visit
Supporting Documents
- Current proof of income, tax payments, property or business ownership, or assets.
- Your travel itinerary and/or other explanation about your planned trip.
- A letter from your employer detailing your position, salary, how long you have been employed, any authorized vacation, and the business purpose, if any, of your U.S. trip.
- Criminal/court records pertaining to any arrest or conviction anywhere, even if you completed your sentence or were later pardoned.
Bring your latest school results, transcripts and degrees/diplomas. Also bring evidence of financial support such as monthly bank statements, fixed deposit slips, or other evidence.
Bring an employment letter from your employer and pay slips from the most recent three months.
Bring evidence of your position in the company and remuneration.
Bring photocopies of your relative's proof of status (e.g. Green Card, naturalization certificate, valid visa, etc).
If you were previously in the United States, any documents attesting to your immigration or visa status.
Supporting Documents for Applicants Seeking Medical Care
- A medical diagnosis from a local physician explaining the nature of your ailment and the reason you require treatment in the United States.
- A letter from a physician or medical facility in the United States expressing a willingness to treat this specific ailment and detailing the projected length and cost of treatment (including doctors' fees, hospitalization fees, and all medical-related expenses).
- A statement of financial responsibility from the individuals or organization paying for your transportation, medical and living expenses. The individuals guaranteeing payment of these expenses must provide proof of their ability to do so, often in the form of bank or other statements of income/savings or certified copies of income tax returns.